Waves is gone

Waves is gone

My old blog, Waves, which used to be at the old domain of randomfury.co.uk, is no more. All the posts have been folded into this blog. It was a lovely place, if a bit quiet. I feel like I've written this a lot recently, but it was always more for me to cathartically write than for people to read. I'd…

2012 = UGH

Ugh. 2012 now. And why is hitting a Gamerscore target so important? If only I knew then what I know now. Other highlights include the stopping smoking saga involving Champix, and the time I inadvertently thanked the universe for having everything I needed. How little did I know back then. Other than that, 2012 was full of videogames (I wrote…

Looking back at 2009

And I have to say, it's quite sad. I'm just porting all the old posts over from the old blog, and I'm currently at the Phantasy Star Universe stage. I mean, I know videogames had a big hold on my life, but imagine if I had devoted myself with such vigour to philosophy and psychology instead of a videogame. Imagine…

Destiny and the Iron Banner

So, Destiny then. I've been fairly addicted to it for the past few months, and the Iron Banner has been one of my favourite aspects - I look forward to it rolling around every month. I can't put my finger on exactly why I like the week of Iron Banner so much to be honest. Is it because it is…

22 days

Yes, twenty-two days without a post on here - some kind of record. A very bad record. I have time on the PC, but I have no idea where to start with anything, and I feel I have so much to do. And there's no telling how long it is before Ethan comes in and starts being noisy and very…


Well, this is novel. It's Friday and here is an update on a Friday. Well I never. So, what have I been doing? Not a lot. Just working at le Asda and chilling at home with Jane and Jake. They are both super awesome. Today we went to the new Sainsbury's that has just opened here in Waterlooville and it…

Timely Friday update

Hey, I'm going to do a Friday update on a Friday for a change! I'm in the front room watching Jake while he sleeps rather than writing it in my study as usual, using my video-recoding laptop rather than the familiar keyboard on the main PC... I've never used this keyboard to type before, so I keep missing letters and…

I get it now

I understand why parents post so much about their kids - because to them, their kids are awesome. I ignored their posts mainly because they were not my kids, and I had no vested interest in them. It would appear that now I have a child of my own, one that I have a vested interest in, I want to…

Friday update 29/8/14

So ready for Flipper to appear now. I just can't wait to meet the little guy/gal - and I can't wait for Jane to be able to rest properly again. It's not that she's been miserable or grumpy because of the baby cramping her style - I just feel it's been long enough now, she deserves her body back. Two…