Creative targets

As I am a loyal subscriber to ImagineFX, issue number 93 popped through my letter box the other day. One of the first articles was about setting yourself goals. How they can motivate you, boost your confidence, and also keep you within the realms of reality: There is a difference between goals and fantasies. I am going to set some for myself – some daily, some long term, some really long term – and of course, I will keep you updated on my escapades.

The first target, and this is daily, is to basically draw more, and improve. Improve my line drawing, improve on areas that need work (heads and faces), and somehow juggle the juxtaposition of making things look real, believable, and 3 dimensional, alongside stamping my own visual style on them.

The second target is: Every month I will create at least one high quality digital illustration to a standard that I would consider “finished”. Maybe print them out via deviantART, I have heard their fine art prints are breath-taking. Speaking of deviantART, that brings me onto my next target.

My third target is to sell some of my art via various websites. The time-frame for this is six months – In six months time I would love to be able to say that someone has paid money for something I have created. I’ve asked around and got some ideas, there are ample amounts of websites where you can upload your images and people can buy them. It’s not so much about the money – I’d just be so proud of myself.

Within a year I would like to have my art published in ImagineFX in some fashion. They publish quite a lot of their readers art, in the FXposé section, the Sketchbook section… Hell, I’d settle for a tiny box in the letters section! It could open a lot of doors for me, which leads me to…

The long term goals.

It’s strange, but as I’ve been writing this, I’ve become unsure as to what the real long term aim is. You also have to consider my earlier statement – There is a difference between goals and fantasies. Just for fun though… Pencil a Marvel comic? Collaborate with Jane and get Yiberdeedo published? Concept artist at triple-A videogame studio? Make album artwork? Have a million views on my deviantART page? Wildly successful web-comic?

In general, it is to have fun and create things. If monetary gain or employment in an artistic capacity come of it, then it’s all good!


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