Goodbye 2013

So what happened in 2013 then? It was another mixed bag. The best thing ever happened: I stopped smoking. And I don't even miss it. I'm not suffering from some black depression because I'm holding myself back from smoking my precious cigarettes, I'm not deluding myself by switching to an eCigarette, I'm not counting down the hours until I can…

600th post spectacular – Questions galore

Ok, so the numbers say that this will be post number 600. I feel like I want to do something special for it, and after having a little think, I remembered that I’m currently reading a book on my Nexus called “Be creative” by Infinite Ideas – it was free and has so far given me a few decent tips. In one chapter it had a list of questions you should ask of yourself in order to understand yourself, because how often do you actually stop and question things?

So, here we are with the questions and answers. I endeavoured to be as brutally honest as I could be and I gave each question a lot of thought. I ended up spraying my thought process on to the page as I was typing, and I did repeat myself a little, so be warned!


This post is going to have the most tags ever.

Videogame targets

Videogame targets I know I was debating not having a target this year, but with all these other targets I thought "Why not, eh?". Can I get to 100,000 in eleven months? It's an increase of around 14,000 - I managed that last year. If I can find enough short and easy games then it won't take long, but I'm kind…
Been playing…

Been playing…

The Darkness. The lovely melatonin bought me this several years ago as a Secret Santa gift. I played it for a couple of hours, got bored, and stopped. Many years later I played Syndicate, a game by the same team that made The Darkness. Having loved Syndicate, I decided to revisit The Darkness to see if I was a little…